10/3/2024 6:25:00 AM
Relative Humidity: | 78% |
Dew Point: | 64°F |
Wind: | VRB |
Station Pressure: | 990.8495 mb |
Sea-Level Pressure: | 1012 mb |
Solar Radiation: | 0 W/m² |
Soil Temperature and Moisture
5 cm | 74°F | 20% |
10 cm | 74°F | 27% |
20 cm | 75°F | 33% |
50 cm | 74°F | 29% |
1 day: | 0.00" |
2 day: | 0.00" |
3 day: | 0.00" |
7 day: | 0.00" |
14 day: | 0.26" |
Month To Date: | 0" |
Year To Date: | 54.54" |
Site Information
County: | Bell |
Latitude: | 31.2170010 |
Longitude: | -97.2954710 |
Elevation: | 646 ft |
Site Id: | BLCOT |
Installed: | 7/17/2018 |